Azerbaijan to establish new type of special protection areas – geoparks

‘Azerbaijan is planning to create a new type of special protection areas – geoparks with international status, and join the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network,’ said Firuddin Aliyev, Head of the Biodiversity Protection Service at a press conference held at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

He noted that Azerbaijan would establish its first biosphere reserve at Zaqatala State Nature Reserve, adding that in this regard, the preparation of the nomination file to be submitted to UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme has been completed.

According to Firuddin Aliyev, works are underway in Azerbaijan to establish a new national park covering Samukh and Gakh districts, the Alazan River valley (Ganikh), and the Ahar-Bakhar mountain range to protect biological diversity and expand the network of specially protected areas in our country. ‘A working group has been established in this regard,’ he emphasized.

Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency