Entire Europe poses ethnic cleansing territory – Russian analyst

MOSCOW: The entire Europe poses ethnic cleansing territory, famous Russian political analyst, TV presenter, and public figure Maxim Shevchenko told Trend.

“Despite Western countries’ claims about democracy, they are essentially predators. They believe they have the right to divide and control territories. They’re trying to keep nations in their own corners, not letting them spread their wings and come together, but rather slicing them up along national and ethnic lines.

Within the West itself, nationalism and especially separatism are swiftly punished. They carry out ethnic cleansing so that later, French or UK diplomats can come in, seat the survivors, and dictate where they will live,” he said.

Shevchenko emphasized that all of Europe has been shaped by ethnic cleansing.

“They aimed for the same fate for the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Middle East. We must not yield to this,” he concluded.

Source: Trend News Agency